Cheers to Ten Years: Alchemy Engage Conference

September is my favorite month in Austin. I know what you are thinking: I must be crazy because it can get a little warm! And you are right… September is HOT! But for me it’s not because of the weather. It’s because of the Alchemy Engage conference. I’ve been fortunate to help coordinate this event since 2008, and let me tell you, we are going to make our 10th anniversary extra special.
In honor of our 10th anniversary, here are the top ten reasons you should register for Engage. Pro tip: register early for a discount!.
1. Who doesn’t love to play B-I-N-G-O? Enjoy an opportunity to help support Stop Foodborne Illness! Sign-up quick for our Bingo FUN-draiser as spots will be limited. Show your peers you rule the dobber world, and help us support this great cause for creating public awareness around food safety. And did I mention, ALL proceeds go to Stop Foodborne Illness? It’s a win-win!
2. Make 400 new friends! If you are looking to get to know industry experts, leaders, and peers, Engage is the place for you! We have numerous networking opportunities including the always popular best practice mixer, and you can’t come to Austin without a night out with your new friends on our world famous 6th street!
3. You want keynote speakers? We have keynote speakers! In fact, we have 4 that you will not want to miss. Make sure you get a front seat for for Connie Podesta who speaks about accountability and performance, NASA’s Manager of the ISS Food System, Vickie Kloeris, and the former head of the FDA, Mike Taylor. We are also excited to have a lunch keynote speaker this year. H+M Industrial’s Safety Manager, Jay Bice, will be here to share his company’s amazing story of survival through last year’s devastating Hurricane Harvey.
4. Tailored break-out sessions! Calling all Food Safety, EHS, Operations, and HR professionals! Divide and conquer in our breakout sessions that provide valuable insights for advancing the impact your role has on your organization. We’ll cover sustainment strategies for GFSI & FSMA compliance, developing learning cultures with Bimbo Bakeries’, safety’s impact on productivity with Ed Foulke (former head of OSHA), new perspectives on risk using visual literacy from the NSC’s Campbell Institute and the Toledo Museum of Art, and more.
5. Treats? Did someone say treats? With over 50 of the top 100 food manufactures in partnership with Alchemy, we love to showcase their delectable treats and share them with our attendees throughout the conference. Sweet Tooths and Salty Snackers should be the first in line for our snack bar in between breaks.
6. Access the Innovation Hub. Access the Innovation Hub. This year the Engage Showcase is going to be bigger and better! Not only will you have the opportunity to meet the brains behind Alchemy’s solutions and services and learn how to better utilize the tools at your organization, but… we are going to have a look into the future of training with virtual reality. Prepare to be amazed!
7. QA Essentials from the QA Jedi himself, Jeff Chilton. A special bonus this year for our QA attendees is the option to register for our QA Essentials Seminar hosted on Tuesday morning by Alchemy’s VP of Consulting and Master of All Things QA, Jeff Chilton. Don’t miss this unique opportunity to learn how to use RCA, CAPA, and SPC for continuous improvement.
8. Ready for some Texas-sized fun? Because it’s our 10th anniversary, we’ve added an extra day this year for some Austin adventures. Hop on a duck tour, fill up on some of our favorite eateries (and yes, that includes food trucks), and/or test your skill at Top Golf. Warning: we may get a little “weird!”
9. Learn the ROI of Engagement. If there’s one thing you’ll learn at the Engage Conference, it’s the value of engaging your employees. We even have a full session dedicated to the topic. Join Golden Valley Natural and Ventura Foods as they share their stories about building a profitable engagement program with Alchemy.
10. Become an Alchemy All-star! Whether you are an Alchemy rookie or looking to perfect your skills, you will not want to miss Thursday’s Alchemy Workshop. Our Account Managers and Learning Consultants are teaming up with clients that have hit a grand slam with our solutions to share their story. You’ll learn real-world applications that can take your employee engagement program to another level.
Studies show that workers who are engaged are more likely to succeed — this means you! So what are you waiting for? Save your spot at the Engage Conference today!