Meet the 1,000th Client on Our Enterprise Platform!

Today we are excited to announce the 1,000th client on our Intertek Alchemy Enterprise platform – Arca Continental.
Arca Continental is a global company based in Monterrey, Mexico, that produces and distributes beverages and snacks to more than 123 million consumers a day in Mexico, Ecuador, Peru, Argentina, and the United States. This innovative company is one of the largest Coca-Cola bottlers in the world. It also serves up Sprite, Fanta and Monster energy drinks.
Arca Continental will implement Intertek Alchemy’s training management platform and course library at eight of its facilities in five different countries, elevating the safety and performance of nearly 2,500 workers. The Alchemy Enterprise platform — Intertek Alchemy’s most popular offering — combines the industry’s leading customizable training courses with award-winning training technologies.
We look forward to working with them to train their frontline workers with our extensive course library, learning management system (LMS), course-authoring software and mobile coaching apps. We’ll help make sure they can verify if their employees are comprehending their training. And we’re excited to introduce them to paperless record keeping and helping them prepare for future audits.
Frontline manufacturing workers, like those with Arca Continental, are the greatest defense for identifying and eliminating threats to their fellow workers and products. They represent the most direct link to safety, product quality, and profitability.
This latest milestone with Arca Continental as the 1,000th customer on our flagship Enterprise platform demonstrates our global growth and ability to forge long-lasting relationships with our customers. And while we celebrate Arca Continental as the newest member to our customer family, we also see this news as a major milestone since Intertek Alchemy services were first introduced in 2005.
Arca Continental joins a who’s who of Intertek Alchemy customers. More than, 1 million employees at 7,500 locations use Alchemy to reduce safety risk and improve operational performance. That includes 68 of the top 100 food companies in the United States at companies like SYSCO, Tyson Foods, Kerry, Post, and OSI Industries.
And it includes J Bar B Foods – Intertek Alchemy’s very first client. Yes, you read that right – one of our oldest clients from 16 years ago is still with us and going strong.
Before incorporating Intertek Alchemy into its training programs, J Bar B Foods was entirely reliant on paper. Michael Seale, J Bar B Foods corporate safety manager, says training before Intertek Alchemy was cumbersome, difficult to organize, and even tougher to trace compliance. And there was no way of determining if their employees retained or understood the information since there was no test to validate that understanding. Not anymore.
Life is much different now with the Intertek Alchemy Enterprise platform.
According to Michael: “The ability to deliver multiple professionally developed topics, in many languages and subsequent testing is invaluable. Testing by using the handheld remotes to answer the questions, in an anonymous process, allows those who do not test well not to be embarrassed if the incorrect answer is chosen. The ability to quickly retrieve training records during audits or follow up on compliance internally is a huge time saver. J Bar B is proud to have been the original customer and involved with original content development.”
Here’s what other clients are saying about Intertek Alchemy.
Tyson Foods
“Intertek Alchemy has really revolutionized our training system. Our training and development program before Alchemy was pretty standard. Training used to be something that we would gloss over during an audit and hope they didn’t ask too many questions about. And now we can’t wait for the auditor to get to it.”
— Eric Teague, Quality Systems Supervisor
Maple Leaf Foods
“Intertek Alchemy provides Maple Leaf Foods a consistent training platform. It allows us to track all of our records across our network in one place. It allows us to ensure we have standardized content. And it allows us to solve various problems that we have with unique solutions to those problems. The platform doesn’t force us to meet one set of requirements. It allows us to shift what we need to do in a continuous learning environment.”
— Mike Habel, Operations Learning Leader
Ventura Foods
“Our frontline workers get a greater handle on the importance of GMPs and PPEs and why those things are necessary through the Intertek Alchemy platform. And that’s the real essence; how do we get to where someone will always make the right decision at 11:30 on a Friday night. That’s where everything comes together.”
— John Taylor, Director of Learning & Development
“Alchemy provides us with a solution to help our people become the best at everything they do. That is our mission, and Intertek Alchemy supports that mission statement very well. Alchemy offers the types of solutions and tools and, more importantly, the support to help us create a continual learning environment.”
— Robert Munoz, Learning & Development Manager
Dawn Foods Distribution
“Intertek Alchemy is a lifesaver. It has become our one-step solution and part of our culture development. As we have grown and have more needs, it’s grown with us. I can go in and run quarterly reports to see who is behind or needs some motivation and see if we have a challenge. So, it’s making my job easier. Our accidents have come down in severity and number.”
— Ed Kaplan, Regional Operations Manager – Safety
We are grateful for the support of these customers and so many others. And we’re proud to be a part of their continued success. Over the next several months, we’ll share the latest on these companies and others. If you have an Intertek Alchemy story to share, please contact us.