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New Insights from Intertek Alchemy’s Workplace Safety Training Survey

By Intertek Alchemy   |   


Intertek Alchemy has just released its first State of the Workplace Safety Training report, looking at the most significant challenges companies face when developing and implementing safety training programs, and shedding light on best practices that help make training more effective.

As part of this extensive study, we surveyed more than 1,100 professionals in EH&S, HR, operations, and plant supervisors representing more than 4,400 worksite facilities. We partnered with an outside agency to help conduct the survey and independently validate the findings.

One of the many discoveries from this effort included the constant battle with time and effectiveness of training. For example, we found 59% of companies say finding time for training is a top barrier, and nearly a third cannot verify if their programs are effective. Even with their best efforts to provide training, 66% still have employees who do not follow workplace safety protocols on the floor.

Other key findings in the report include:

  • Nearly half of companies still use paper and spreadsheets to document and manage training programs.

  • Companies using a learning management system (LMS) provide 30% more training refreshers and reinforcement.

  • Companies using interactive audience response training technology are 58% more likely to verify if a specific employee understood their training.
  • Nearly a third of leaders surveyed believe productivity can rise by at least 50% of workers consistently follow workplace safety programs.

In addition to examining the root causes behind these and other challenges, the study explains how technology can drive improvements. And the research concludes with best practices that improve training that will help keep your workers safe and improve production.

Using the tools and techniques discussed in this report, like audience-response technology and course-authoring software, companies are two times more likely to have employees follow safety protocols on the floor. And companies providing at least 20 hours of annual safety training are 68% more likely to have employees following safety protocols on the floor.

This report will show you how to make that happen. Download your complimentary copy of The State of Workplace Safety Training here. And contact us to let us know how our findings compare to your workplace safety training practices.


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